Facebook Live Tips, Tricks, & Best Practices

by | Aug 31, 2018

Facebook Live continues to be a hot topic, it truly is the best option on Facebook to engage an audience. We strongly suggest that you give it a whirl!

First, let’s talk about why you should use it for your business. Facebook’s algorithm prioritizes live video. For those of you unfamiliar with the “A” word, it is Facebook’s way of determining what content shows up where. It can be frustrating at times to think that who sees your content is completely out of your control, but it’s not! You do have control over where your content goes and who can engage with it, you just have to understand the algorithm a bit better. Facebook ultimately rewards posts with the most engagement which are those that provide authentic, quality content and everything about Facebook Live is authentic! The algorithm loves Facebook Live and your audience is sure to love it as well.

Things you need to know about the algorithm.

  1. Facebook Live results in up to 6 X more engagement and interactions than other posts including photos or regular video.
  2. It prioritizes live video based on percent completion. The more people that watch your video from start to finish the better. Keep your video relatively short so people stay engaged and watch your video in its entirety. At least 75% of the video needs to be watched to be ranked higher in people’s news feeds.
  3. With the recent change, consumers see more from friends and family instead of businesses they may follow. Facebook Live is your tool to get back on those people’s news feeds.

Tips and Tricks

  1. Use a clipboard! This was a random idea of ours and it works. The clipboard holds the phone and eliminates background noise for a clearer sound. Consider using binder clips as a “tripod” for your clipboard.
  2. You may be thinking this would be less scary if you could practice. Well, you can! Before you go live, click the “Friends” drop down below your name and select “Only Me”. This will allow you to experiment and get comfortable with Facebook Live without making the commitment of posting it publicly.
  3. If you have ever watched a Facebook Live and wondered how they get so many people to engage and ask questions, chances are some of those comments and questions may have been staged. We recommend you do the same. Have people in your circle ask certain questions throughout your video. This can be a helpful transition to another topic or refresher of what to say next.

Best Practices

  1. Prepare an outline: It’s okay to rehearse which topics you want to cover and iron out the flow of the content. Being prepared won’t eliminate the spontaneity of Facebook Live, it will add quality yet still give off the impromptu feeling.                 Prepared an outline and practicing it. This will help with your nerves!
  2. Promote: Let your audience know at least two days in advance that you will be going live. Provide them with the date, time, and location so they can be prepared to watch. If there is a big event associated with your live video then make a Facebook event to remind people. Also in promoting the live video, prompt your followers to think of questions that they can ask while you are online.
  3. Refresh your viewers: Mention who and where you are and the purpose of the video throughout so you keep people informed and engage new viewers who began watching late.
  4. Lighting: Natural light is best. Find a location outdoors. Be sure to adjust your body position to where you aren’t to bright or too shadowed. We are lucky to be right next to the K-State Gardens, it’s a beautiful venue! With this comes background noise, so be aware of that. When doing one indoors, you may want to consider adding a light that clips to your phone if the lighting is poor. Think outside the box! When I did the Facebook Live at the rodeo in Colorado, I did it in a truck. I left the door open so the dome light would be on to provide some light.
  5. Connection: Be aware of your location and how that will effect your connection. If you are at an event with a lot of people, more than likely they are also using the internet, which can slow down your connection. The best option is to be connected to WiFi, so consider that piece when picking a location.

For more information on Facebook Live, check out our blog post from last summer! It highlights the step-by-step guide to using Facebook Live and a few extra tips and tricks.

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