Touchless Transactions Toolkit


The Center for Rural Enterprise Engagement (CREE) has a series of tools to help people use online selling to increase opportunities for their business. This series is called Touchless Transactions.

Written Resources

How can I make Touchless Transactions work for my business during COVID-19?

CREE’s 3 steps for making online selling and hybrid selling work during this pandemic are available in our blog post:

Prefer to read PowerPoint slides while you watch and listen to webinars?

Here is the slide deck from CREE’s Touchless Transactions webinar.

Webinars and Videos

Watch our Touchless Transactions webinar on YouTube.

Learn with us through CREE’s Touchless Transactions webinar where co-founders discuss platforms and tools for setting up e-commerce for your business.

Learn from co-founder Dr. Lauri M. Baker as she joins a Facebook Live of Touchless Transitions from Florida’s Pasco County Economic Development Coucil’s SMARTstart Small Business Program.

Learning Podcast
Listen to the 10 Best Practices for Online Selling of Agricultural Products by CREE co-founder, Lauri Baker on the Wedgworth Leadership Podcast. These are based on CREE and other industry research and examples from those who are selling online effectively.