Claiming your Google Place Listing

by | Sep 19, 2018

One of the easiest, but most overlooked aspects of online marketing is claiming your Google Place listing. This is a feature that allows information about your business to populate on the right-hand side of the Google search results page. Claiming your business’s online identity in this way allows potential clients to find you and know that you’re currently operating. Photos will help them know what your storefront looks like, so it can be identified when they plan a visit. Filling out all sections of the form will allow searchers to click directly into your website or social media pages, reducing the level of searching required to learn about your business.

Claiming your business’s Google Place will allow people to view quite a few details about the business when they search with Google, particularly contact information and hours of operation. This is a simple, yet crucial part of getting a business started out on the right track online. While creating a presence on social media is important, the majority of people still search for a business on Google first to find information. We don’t want to lose them at the beginning before they get a chance to see any of the social media a business may have worked so hard on! For example, this is what it looks like to have claimed your place on Google.

Screenshot 2018-09-11 10.39.18

Let’s Get Started!

  1. Visit and click the green Manage Now button.
  2. You will be prompted on the next page to add the name of your business. Be sure it is accurate and click Next.
  3. Now add in your business location and then it will bring up businesses around the address you provided.
  4. Next it wants you to categorize your business, then add the phone number and website.
  5. You’re finished! Select Finish and be sure to verify your location.
  6. You will then be directed to your business page dashboard and here you can manage it further.

Claiming a business on Google is important because it helps customers find out information on a company they’re interested in. While social-media marketing is still very important, customers are still more likely to search Google first to learn basic information such as a location, phone number, and store hours. Doing this will give customers an option to visit online platforms such as a website or Facebook page. If a customer cannot find out information about a business through Google they are likely to move on to the next business that can meet their needs. Claim your business today and do not miss out on another customer!


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