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Learn more about our upcoming course and register below!

From evaluating how disasters impact the agri-food supply chain to understanding ways to facilitate positive change, the Reimagining Resilient Agri-food Supply Chains course explores issues surrounding the safety, security, and efficiency of our food production and distribution system. With a better understanding of capacities and structural vulnerabilities of regional food systems, we can be better prepared to support our populations and their needs. 

We hope that this course helps to create an agri-food industry that’s ready to be creative, flexible in their thinking, and ready to spring into action whenever the next disaster strikes,” said Hikaru Peterson, CREE co-creator and professor in applied economics at the University of Minnesota.   

Join us for this learning opportunity to discover what causes agri-food supply chain delays and potential solutions for managing disruptions in the future. This course is offered completely virtually so participants can learn at their own pace. It’s easy to build into your own schedule, with about 2-4 hours of total course content to work through. Our team is excited to share valuable, research-based information in an accessible and engaging online format.  

We’re excited to offer this new learning opportunity! This is an excellent change for specialty crop growers to see and understand the systems surrounding the inputs and outputs in their products,” said Cheryl Boyer, CREE co-creator and professor of horticultural marketing at Kansas State University. 

The Reimagining Resilient Agri-food Supply Chains course topics include: 

  • Understand the Problem: Learn about the complexities of the agri-food supply chain and how delays can occur.  
  • Learn about Solutions: Discover best practices for addressing supply chain disruptions.  
  • Facilitate Change: Become equipped to take action in the event of a future disaster to meet community needs.  

Participants will learn how to use data from our consumer survey on food purchasing behaviors to make better decisions on their preferred outlets and logistics for selling their products and making supply chain response decisions,” said Lauri Baker, CREE co-creator and associate professor in agricultural education and communication at the University of Florida.   

By completing this course, you will: 

  • Understand the impact of disasters on agri-food supply chain operations. 
  • Identify the capacities and structural vulnerabilities of regional food systems. 
  • Be able to support populations affected by supply chain delays. 
  • Gain access to resources and strategies for addressing current and future disruptions. 

During the blue skies, when it’s a beautiful day and we’re not dealing with a crisis, we need to take the time to put together a crisis management plan that we can implement if and when a crisis occurs,” said Angie Lindsey,an assistant professor in the Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences at the University of Florida

Please fill out the form to register.  


We would like to have an understanding of the general makeup of the participants in this program. The following demographic questions will be used in summary form for program reporting purposes only (every response is anonymized). They are similar to questions asked on the U.S. Census.